04 May 2007

Seduction Shawl

Here is the beginning of my Flower Basket Shawl. I think this was after only one repeat of the flower baskets, and I'm now on the fourth (of ten). This is another Evelyn A. Clark pattern, which appeared in Interweave Knits. I didn't do the crochet cast-on for two stitches but did a backwards loop cast-on as she recommended in the Old Shale Shawl, which I find a bit less fiddly. Away from my full stash I don't have any smooth, waste cotton handy for the provisional version.

BMFA's Seduction yarn is very slinky and lovely. Perhaps slinky isn't the mot juste, since it doesn't slide right off the needles or anything. It's very nice, but I'm glad I'm using a Bryspun needle as I've caught one or two of the three plies (plys?) a few times and think it would be worse with other needles.

You can't find the pattern on IK's website anymore, but if you Google it, you just might find the PDF... Desperate times call for desperate measures, and my new library (Wilmette Public Library - "we have so much money, we have to renovate or add on every two years!") seems to have only subscribe to IK last year. I'm sure another local library has back issues, or I could buy my own, but I only had a minute the other day to explore my WPL options before Isobel ran wild through the stacks. She has no patience for Mommy's library time. Thank goodness she's almost old enough for the Storytime that allows you to drop off and pick up your child. An entire half hour in the library on my own!

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